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Photo Page No. 7
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Fastigiella carinata  Reeve, 1848
Dead taken with hermit crab off Millar's Beach,
Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands
Collected by Jim Cordy May 18, 2000

This is a not often seen member of the Cerithiidae
Length= 38  mm   Width= 15  mm
[Collection Jim Cordy]


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Conus abbotti  Clench, 1942
Live taken off Winding Bay,
Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands
Collected by Jim Cordy May 16, 2000

This is a not often pictured and controversial member of the Conidae
some authors consider it a synonym of Conus cardinalis Hwass, 1792
Length= 32.5 mm   Width= 17  mm
[Collection Jim Cordy]


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Conus abbotti  Clench, 1942
Live taken at Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands
Collected by Jim Cordy

This is an unusual dark color variation of this species.
[Collection Jim Cordy]


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Conus abbotti  Clench, 1942
This is a nice series of this species showing color and pattern variations.
Collected at Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands.
Collected by Jim Cordy
[Collection Jim Cordy]


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Charonia variegata  (Lamarck, 1816)
Live taken off Cape Eleuthera,
Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands
Collected by Jim Cordy May 17, 2000

This is the uncommon orange color form.
Length= 148 mm   Width= 62 mm
[Collection Jim Cordy]


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Latirus sp. (needs ID)
Live taken off Winding Bay,
Eleuthera Island, Bahama Islands
Collected by Jim Cordy

L= 32 mm   W= 15  mm  &  L= 25 mm   W= 11  mm
These specimens have not yet been identified.
If you know what species it is please contact Jim Cordy


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Strombus costatus   Gmelin, 1791
Live collected in sand grass bottom at 4 ft depth.
Fish Cays, Abaco, Bahama Islands

A not often seen Pink Color form, the shells
are usually white or yellowish.

[Collection Jim Cordy]

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