Welcome |
Enter the world of malacology, shells and molluscs.
This website displays not often seen molluscs
and is a linked index for non-commercial
educational/informational mollusc related websites.
Some unusual
shells |
Carl Von Linné |
HMS Beagle |
Bivalves of the hydrothermal vents
Calyptogena magnifica [hydrothermal vent clam]
Bathymodiolus thermophilus [hydrothermal vent mussel]
Extinct and not often seen Tree Snails of the genus LiguusLiguus fasciatus graphicus form crassus
Liguus fasciatus solidus
Liguus fasciatus graphicus variety dohertyi
Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety farnumi
Some not often seen Cypraeovula of South Africa
Cypraeovula castanea
Cypraeovula iutsui
Cypraeovula cruickshanki
Cypraeovula coronata coronata [Unusual deepwater form]
Cypraeovula fuscodentata [Unusual deepwater form]
A not often seen Amoria from northwestern Australia
A not often seen Alcithoe from New Zealand
Alcithoe wilsonae form smithi
An unusual Harpa from East Diamond Isle
Harpa cf. major [A white color form, new ssp.?]
Some not often seen Zoila from N.W. & W. Australia
Zoila jeaniana aurata [A dwarf form with orange color base]
Zoila jeaniana aurata [A dark spotted dwarf form with orange color base]
Zoila jeaniana [A lightly spotted juvenile form with juvenile lined pattern]
Zoila jeaniana jeaniana [A deepwater form having a Café color base]
Zoila friendii friendii [A light colored deepwater form]
Zoila delicatura [A new and not often seen form]
Zoila thersites contraria
[A not often seen deepwater thersites]
Some not often seen shells from the Bahama Islands
carinata [A not often pictured member of the Cerithiidae]
Conus abbotti [A not often
pictured and controversial member of the Conidae]
Conus abbotti [An unusual
dark color form of this species]
Conus abbotti [A color
series showing variation]
Charonia variegata [The
uncommon orange color form]
Latirus sp. [unidentified
specimens of Latirus from Eleuthera]
Strombus costata [The uncommon pink
color form]
Some not often seen shells from the Philippines
and the Indian Ocean
axelrodi [A not often seen Conus species]
Conus pergrandis
[A not often seen Conus species, extra condition]
Conus julii [A not often seen Conus species]
Conus floccatus [A not often
seen Conus species, specimen in extra condition]
Conus kinoshitai
form "tamikoae"
[A not often seen form of this Conus species]
Conus kinoshitai
[The typical form of this Conus species for
Conus aulicus
[A large specimen not often seen at this size and grade]
Conus lynceus
[A not often seen melanistic form of this Conus species]
Conus tuticorinensis
[A not often seen Conus species]
lani [A not often seen Conus species]
Conus oishii
[A not often seen Conus species and color form]
The largest of the Marginellidae
gigas [A not often seen Marginellidae,
and the largest of the bunch]
'from so simple a beginning |
The following are links
to mollusc websites created
for your education and enjoyment
The Liguus
Home Page
[Tree snails of the genus Liguus endemic to
South Florida, Cuba and Hispaniola]
The Polymita
Home Page
[Tree snails of the genus Polymita endemic
to the easternmost province of Cuba]
The Endemic Cones of South
[The genus Conus endemic to South Africa
and vicinities of the Indian Ocean]
The berdulinus-kintoki-coelinae-martensi
of the Genus Conus
[A sometimes confusing and related group of
The Xenophoridae Home Page
[An iconography of the carrier shells]
The marginata Home Page
[An iconography Zoila marginata]
Cone Shell and Conotoxins Home Page
[Dr. Bruce Livett's Conotoxins website]
My Other Hobbies
[Toy Soldiers, Birdwing Butterflies and Orchids]
This page was last updated on: 07/26/05
This page accessed times.
Copyright: Please
do not copy images or ideas
for commercial purposes.
This website is created and maintained by Emilio
Jorge Power
The site is intended as a linked index to non-commercial
informational/educational websites related to molluscs.
If you would like to have your site indexed and linked please
send me an e-mail with the title and the URL for the site. If
you have any unusual shells you would like to display on
this site please send JPG image and pertinent information.